BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

IAMHybridDocument interface

This interface can be used to create hybrid documents, attach and detach parts, and retrieve information about hybrid documents.

Members (IAMHybridDocument)
 Name Description

AttachPart method

Attaches the document with a given ID as a hybrid part of the current document.

ConvertToHybrid method

Returns a Document object representing the current document converted to a hybrid document using a given document template.

CreateHybridPart method

Creates a hybrid part from a given filename.

DeletePart method

Deletes the hybrid part document with a given ID.

DetachPart method

Detaches a hybrid part document with a given ID from its hybrid parent document and optionally assigns it a different document type.

GetParentID method

Returns the ID of the hybrid parent document.

HybridParts property

Returns a read-only collection of the hybrid parts of the current document.

IsHybrid property

Returns the hybrid type of the document as a member of the.

Members (IAMHybridDocument2)
 Name Description

ConvertToMainPart method

Converts a hybrid part document into the main part of a hybrid document.

Members (IAMHybridDocument3)
 Name Description

GetHybridInfo method

Returns the hybrid document type of the current document. If the current document is a main part, also returns the number of hybrid parts.


The following example demonstrates how to attach an image as a hybrid part, create another hybrid part, and load hybrid part content from the file system. It asssumes documents exist in the root of vault named A.dwg and image A.tif.

Private Sub Doit(ByVal dr As AMDocumentRepository)
    Dim hyb As IAMHybridDocument3
    Set hyb = dr.GetFSObject(dr.PathToID("\A.dwg"))
    ' Attach existed document as a new part
    hyb.AttachPart dr.PathToID("\A.tif")
    ' Create new part     Dim new_part As AMDocument     Set new_part = hyb.CreateHybridPart("A2.tif")     ' And load document content from file     Dim docui As New AMDocumentUI     Dim uiStorage As AMUIStorage     Dim per As IAMEdmUIPersist     Set per = docui     per.Init doc     Set uiStorage = per     uiStorage.LoadFromFile "c:\temp\a2.tif" End Sub

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